
"All Work No Play" represents the culmination of Dylan Atwater's undergraduate studies at Parsons School of Design, graduating in 2024. This collection, conceived as a tongue-in-cheek reinterpretation of the adage "All work no play leaves Jack a dull boy," reflects Atwater's personal confrontation with the phenomenon of overwork, portraying it as a numbing, almost intoxicating experience. In a society steeped in hustle culture, the consequences are evident, dulling individuals and their vibrancy. This thematic exploration is manifest in the collection's emphasis on cold tones and muted palettes. Through meticulous attention to textile development, fabric printing, and innovative pattern exploration, Atwater endeavors to dissect the societal impact of overwork. Leveraging expertise in traditional tailoring and garment construction, the collection presents an estranged, somber reality. "All Work, No Play" invites viewers to momentarily immerse themselves in this chilling, sterile world.